I was out gardening one day and as I was out in the heat of the sun pulling out weeds, I instantly had the thought, “is this what weeding your life looks like?” And I truly believe it is. We may have to weed a lot of things out of our lives. Whether that be a relationship, people you associate with, or just how you live your day-to-day life. Maybe God is telling you to get rid of certain “weeds” in your life and you don’t think it’s right. Thinking thoughts like “why would God ask me to get rid of something out of my life that seems to be perfectly fine?” Well, my friend, it might be because that “something” is doing you more harm than good that you can’t seem to see. God always has a better and more perfect plan than we could ever imagine. God has the bigger picture of our lives while we only have glimpses. We simply need to obey and trust that He has something so much better for our life. God won’t take something away without replacing it with something so much better in His timing. It may take time to receive that something better but trust me it is worth the patience. Weeding is a long process that takes not only patience but endurance. I do feel we are all “weeding” our lives day-to-day, and it may never be a complete project. But, with God, it can be less painful and tiring. We may pull things out of our lives but be filled with better and more fulfilling things from the Lord. We may end up losing relationships, or things in our lives but by the love and grace of God He will bring more fulfilling relationships or anything else in between into our lives. Weeding things out of your life may look completely different from someone else’s. Sometimes we need to weed out the music we listen to, social media, and the things we read or watch on tv. I mean the list can go on and on. But how will we know what God wants us to weed out? Well, it is a lot simpler than you may think. By simply listening to what God is telling you. You may feel something deep within your spirit that what you are doing, listening to, or watching feels wrong. It may feel uncomfortable and isn’t speaking to your spirit but rather your flesh. That, my friend, means God is trying to speak to you to turn away from the things of the world and turn to Him and what He has to offer. Replacing those weeds with seeds to grow. Such as, listening to worship music, watching a sermon, reading the Bible, and filling your time with God-honoring things. Some days it’s a lot easier said than done. I know for me some days I would much rather take the easy route and feed my flesh with secular music that fills me with negative energy when I should listen to worship music that fills my spirit with love and truth from the Father. Every day is a battle to pick out those weeds of life and choose to trust God to grow a beautiful flower in its place. Being a gardener is not an easy job, but once you get to see the progress of how far you’ve come it is worth every thorn and pricker. God has the band-aids ready and waiting for when we need them. Please don’t let those weeds in your life grow any more than they have. It is never too late to pluck them out with the help of God, but it certainly won’t be easy. God is always there by your side waiting for you to ask for help. No weed is too big for God. It may seem like what we go through, what we lose, or even weed out won’t make a difference. But trust me my friend, even the smallest of weeds and losses are noticed in the big picture. It may feel like nothing good can come out of the pain but trust in God that there is a purpose in the pain. Weeding a garden, like life, takes a lot of maintenance. You can’t just weed some things out one day and never go back to it, you must choose every day to put your gardening gloves on and get to work. Removing things from your life is an everyday choice to keep those things out of your life permanently. Weeds will always try to come back, and it is our job to make sure they never fully grow, or they will end up destroying the whole garden. We absolutely do not want that. Satan wants nothing more than to let those weeds grow and take over our lives which in turn will destroy our lives. God wants us to live and live to the fullest for and with Him. As the verse from John 10:10 states, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Satan is literally only here to steal from you, kill all that is good, and destroy your life. He isn’t here to be best buddies and show you the greatness that the world has to offer. Please listen, he has nothing to offer. Absolutely nothing. It may seem like some of those weeds that sprouted in your garden are pretty plants in disguise, but my friend it could be a deadly weed that the devil himself put there. The devil wants you to follow him and live a miserable life full of weeds and sin. But my friends there’s great news, God came so that we may have life and have it abundantly just as scripture says. God only wants the best for us, always. He always has the best thing to offer. Life with Him. He is light and loving and everything in between. It would be silly to pass that up just to live a life full of weeds. Sure, weeding may be a lot more work, but I would rather work hard to live life with Jesus than live in complete pain and misery. It can be easy to get wrapped up in the things of this world. I mean there are so many things that look great, like money, fame, high-end fashion, and so many other materialistic things. But that’s all it is, just stuff. You can’t bring any of that with you when you die. It’s just here part of this world. And we as followers of Christ are called to be set apart and to not conform to the pattern of this world -Romans 12:2. It’s a daily battle to submit to God and keep your eyes focused on Him. But trust me it is so worth it. He has everything we could ever need. Sometimes not what we want but remember He has the bigger picture and knows that it is indeed what we need. In conclusion, please take the time to go to the Lord and weed out those destructive weeds in your life. With this new year, we should make not only a goal but a priority to make all our gardens (aka, lives), the purest and most righteous gardens. Full of light, love, and flowers ;). And that my friends will make it the most beautiful garden. When we have God in the center of our lives it’ll be the most magnificent garden.
As always, I really do hope you enjoy reading my content. Please leave a like and a comment down below letting me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from my readers! Also, thank you so much for reading my blog posts, it means so much to me that I have views on my content and hopefully the Lord put something in your heart. I hope you have a blessed rest of your week!
P.s. God is always beside you no matter what you're going through.
~Purposefully, Pepper <3

P.s.s. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus :)
It’s an interesting thought of the weeds that are choking your roots (what makes you who you are) are preventing you from growing. But when you rid those weeds and really soak in everything around you, you’ll begin to flourish. PS. thanks for the coffee😁😉
Again: I really needed this!
So good that you to listen to God when He speaks to us. Great analogy of gardening, Kyanne.