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  • Writer's pictureK_Pepper02

Long time no post

Well, hi there, long time no chat lol. I haven't posted anything in quite some time, so I feel I should do a small update on what's been going on. First off, I have been finishing school. I am glad to say I am officially done with all of my classes and will be receiving my Associates degree this month! Basically, schoolwork has been taking up most of my time, and I have also been focusing on spending time elsewhere. Many of you guys will probably ask me what I plan on doing after I graduate. Truth be told, I have no idea. I know I want to find a job this summer and hopefully at a doggy daycare, but if not, I might start growing my little pet sitting business. Now you may be thinking, "Kyanne, what about the future? What are your plans?" Again, I have no idea. I sort of like to look at life as one day at a time. That way, I don't stress myself over the future that is not yet here, and things could change in an instant anyway. I do have goals set for myself, and I know it is good to have some sort of idea to know what you're going to do just in case things don't turn out the way you had planned. I used to get so stressed over the future, and I'm not sure why. For some reason, I always thought I needed to know what I was going to do and be in the process of doing it. That way, it would seem like I had my life figured out. A truth I learned a while ago, no one really has their life figured out. We all just kinda roll by with our routines, habits, and hobbies, hoping that nothing bad happens. People would always tell me, "you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do" yeah, haha, thanks, but that didn't help me. I was always focused on needing to find something because I felt I didn't have "plenty of time." Nowadays, I am pretty chill with not knowing what's gonna happen in the days ahead or shoot even years ahead. It gives me a sense of excitement that something amazing could come out of nowhere. I also know that God has a plan. Where He guides, He also provides. I shouldn't have to worry and stress about the road in front of me because I know the one who created me and this planet; knows what's gonna happen every second of every day and so the same for my future. God has blessed me so much in this life that it would be silly to focus and worry and not enjoy the present that He has given me. That is what I plan on doing this summer. Just kinda sit back, relax, smell the flowers, and enjoy the nice weather. Michigan summers are by far the best and my favorite. I can't wait for those hot summer days where you can go to the beach all day and swim and get a nice tan. Till then, I am going to wait to get my grades back, receive my degree in the mail, and have my graduation party. Oh yeah, I am having a graduation party since technically last year I graduated high school but thought I would hold off till I got both of my degrees. Double celebration you guys! Anyways, till next time loves.

-Little sneak peek of one of my senior pictures.

P.s make sure to go out and smell the flowers ;)

-Purposefully, Pepper <3

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