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God's Image

You know that one saying that Christians and or believers say, “you were made in the image of God.” Well, how do you know exactly what that means? I think I sorta figured it out thanks to something my mom shared with me. God made you and me in HIS image. We don’t know what His image is. He thought of us to look and act the way we do. He not only knew but had an image in His head of what He wanted us to look like and what our personality, gifts, special quirks and so much more were. It is truly amazing and just incomprehensible to imagine that our Heavenly Father would put so much thought and work into us. I personally thought that saying meant that we all look like Him such as appearance-wise. But this definition is so much deeper and more personal which speaks volumes when that is just what Jesus wants; a relationship with us. He wants a deep and personal relationship with each and every one of us. When His words from the Bible go into deeper thought and explanation than we could ever imagine, that is just how He speaks and wants to be with us. Deeper meanings draw us closer to Him so we can know Him better. He truly and wholeheartedly loves us. When there is so much work into a tiny detail you just know that piece of art is loved. We are HIS works of art. Molded and carved into perfection that He had in mind. No piece of art is the same. The same goes for us. All of our hearts beat differently. Every one of us looks nothing alike, talks the same, and our DNA is completely different in its own unique way. Oh, to think deeper and deeper on this. Imagining how much detail our Heavenly Father went into making us, His sons and daughters. It is truly a beautiful thought. I don’t know about you, but this makes me feel so loved. That someone would love me so incredibly much that He would create me the way I am and to be here to serve Him. I take that for granted on a daily basis and it makes me sad thinking about it. I think we all take living for granted when everything we have could be taken away an in instant. I am so grateful for not only everything and everyone I have, but for also being aware of these small details in God's word that turns out to be way bigger once taken a deeper dive. Isn’t that how you get to know anyone really? Asking deep personal questions and digging into their personal life. So, to the same with getting to know Jesus. He is waiting for us to just start asking Him questions to get to know Him better and personally. That is why we have the Bible. To read the ultimate love story He made for us. God already knows every little thing about you, now it’s your turn to get to know every little thing about your Heavenly Father. It all starts with a prayer. Talk to Him like a loved one, a best friend even. Whatever makes you comfortable and wanting to chat with Him. He’s not waiting for some long essay prayer with a thousand thought-out words, He simply just wants to hear from you. He gave you a mind to think thoughts and a mouth to speak words. Use it while you can. He would love to hear from the one He created. :)

I hope you enjoyed reading that personal piece just as much as I wrote it. Please feel free to leave a comment telling me your thoughts. Be sure to also subscribe so you don’t miss out on future posts! One last thing! Click the EF tab at the top of my home page next to my social media links for some awesome Christian apparel from Elevated Faith to spread the word of God. It's a great simple conversation starter to share His word. I am an ambassador for them so go ahead and use the code KKyanne15 to get 10% off your purchase! This link with a purchase will help me continue pouring into my posts that I thoroughly enjoy doing. Every bit helps! :)

P.s. You are forever deeply loved by the One who created you. <3

-Purposefully, Pepper <3

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